Tuesday, December 13, 2011

AFE Graduating Seniors 2011

First Graduating Class from AFE, 2011
Rene, AFE's first student
Pastor Jeony and Principal Jesy
Miracles happen.  Last week, Ryan and I got to be witnesses to one of the greatest miracles in AFE’s history: the FIRST ever graduating seniors walked across the stage to accept their high school diplomas.  This was an emotional night for everyone, both present and in spirit. 

Lewis' and Diaz'
Ryan and I had the pleasure of getting to know these seniors these past few months and they are truly amazing.  I have heard them say at different times that they are so excited to be examples to all the remaining and future students of AFE.  They all will tell you that this miracle never would have happened without Dios, God. 

Erika and the graduates
AFE's Honduran Teachers
These students will go to the university here in Honduras next year to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and professionals.  This is so different from what I hear they said they wanted to be when they were asked this same question when they first started attending AFE 11 years ago: the driver of the garbage truck.  These students are an inspiration to all of us, and it was such a blessing to have been able to attend this beautiful ceremony.  There was a party in heaven this same evening, too, I just know it! 
Please keep these 9 students in your prayers as they start to make life changing steps in the next few months to start attending a university.  And also keep the rest of AFE in your prayers as we begin “summer break” here in Honduras. 

Read more about these events in AFE’s blog: www.afehonduras.blogspot.com

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We attended language school in Copan Ruinas. Tegucigalpa is where we are serving as teachers at AFE.