We helped Ryan's dad, Brad, who is a potato farmer in Alaska, move an irrigation line at his fields. I drove a tractor for my first time!
Pam needed to paint her office, so we spent an afternoon doing that, too! Afterwards, she treated us to a delicious lunch at Rusty's in Palmer.
The 85th annual Mt. Marathon Race was a hit for the summer! Ryan and I didn't have the opportunity to do any sort of mountain training because of the dangers of where we live in Honduras, so we relied solely on Insanity workouts with Sean T. via the TV in our apartment. And I will tell you what, we rocked it! We will continue Insanity workouts for our training for next years' race, too!
Pam let us sell a few of her things to raise some money for Honduras - it was a huge success! We also had a couple family dinners while we were in Alaska, too, and had a great time just relaxing and enjoying the fresh air of Alaska!

After the week in Alaska, we flew to Idaho and went directly to Sandpoint, Idaho where we were surprised the next morning with a huge family breakfast! There were about 20 people in total, but I was so surprise that I forgot to take any photos! So I got a couple from my mom's camera :)
We left that afternoon to go to Colburn Lake on the backside of Schweitzer. It was a very special hike because it is the last hike our dog, Charlie, will ever take. Her joints are so bad now, that my mom bought a garden cart to pull her in. We all took turns hauling a very special member of our family :)
We spent a good portion of the week golfing - Erika twice and Ryan three times. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos of Ryan golfing! My mom had a member-guest tournament for her 9ers league, Sockhop themed!
We had a family dinner one night at Erika's parents' house where we got to see everyone we didn't see at Schweitzer.
Erika's mom took us to Silverwood one day and we had an absolute blast! We spent a lot of time on the lazy river and of course all the rollercoasters!!
The last night, we went golfing at the country club for Friday Night Fights and had a country hoedown dinner to celebrate the end of a great week in Idaho :)